
Friday, January 11, 2013

Side table in Florence - coming soon!

Hi folks.  :-)

I know, I know - I've been MIA for quite a while.  Between holiday madness, a marathon month-long tummy bug, pneumonia for our oldest, house guests, travels to see family, and a bout with the flu for our youngest (what a nasty, nasty bug).....   I had to take a time-out to focus on family and get everyone well.  But don't worry - I'm alive, I'm back to painting, and I'm just about to finish a lovely french side table.  I hope to have it posted for you fine folks tomorrow!

I've also got two tall chests in the works, and I've got a lovely antique dresser and side table headed my way tomorrow.  So please stay tuned - and thanks so much for your patience.

To all of you who have written requesting specific pieces - know that I haven't forgotten, and that I'll be  searching for the perfect piece for you on my next furniture hunting trip!

Thanks so much for being such a great (and patient) :-)  audience.  Here's to lots of lovely painted furniture in 2013!

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