
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Blog has officially moved! :-)

I'm sure some of you have noticed that my blog has officially moved from to  For some reason the automatic redirect of my blog address is not working, so if you go directly to my old blog address you reach a "Page Not Found" error.  Annoying, since I'm still here!  :-)  For those of you who followed Atlanta Shabby Chic, please update your feed to include the new blog address for Greenville Shabby Chic….

My Facebook page has also moved to - I'd love to have you join me there!  I often post pieces in progress to my Facebook page, so if you'd like to claim one before it hits my blog that's the place to do it.  :-)

Ah, computers.  Can't live with them and can't blog without them.  ;-)   Thanks for your patience through this transition!

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