
Monday, April 27, 2015

Atlanta, here I come! (again)

Hi folks!  I know I've been absent for the past couple of months here - I've been posting more on my Facebook page and have also been working through yet another move for our family.  I am both happy and sad to say that we are moving yet again…. sad to leave sweet Greenville behind, but happy to say that we're moving back to Atlanta!  It's been a fast but lovely year here in South Carolina, and I'm very grateful to all of my new customers here.  Thank you for welcoming me with open arms.  I'm also quite excited to return to my client base in Atlanta, and I'm hopeful that I can pick up right where we left off.  :-)  I'm still painting here in Greenville for the next month or so, and starting in June I'll be back to work in Atlanta.  We just found our new home there over the weekend, and I'm thrilled with my new painting space.

My blog name will be changing in the next couple of weeks from back to  I'll give you more warning when that change is about to happen so you can update your feeds.

Thanks for hanging with me on this crazy ride, and I can't wait to have new pieces posted here for you to enjoy!